May 25, 2010

must write ideas down, NOW

I'm 100% guilty of not following through with my many ideas. Fleeting dreams... Well, not dreams exactly, but wonderful things I wanted to make. My friend knows I'm guilty of this and sent me the link to this Idea Book sold online at Poketo. If you don't feel like paying $8, you can just draw boxes in your moleskine.

Idea 1: Making a leather clutch. 2: Making a family cookbook. 3: Writing a zine. I'll keep you posted with these projects.

They also sell these cute bookmarks. Adorable for cookbooks!
yours truly,

May 24, 2010

Covering wood with moss

I'm always in awe of the display at Anthropologie. Everything looks very handmade. Sometimes a little too arts and crafts, but creative and inspiring nonetheless. I remember seeing the visual display artist using moss to cover an ostrich made of paper and chicken wire. "Hm, you can buy moss," I thought. "Hm, I should cover a large piece of wood with moss." I found a small piece of wood on the street and decided to practice on that first. I bought the moss from Beverly's.

Away I glued.

I used Elmer's glue because I didn't have a glue gun. I think a glue gun would've worked better because you can pack the moss on a lot more.

I recommend using a larger board. The bigger the better! This one works for my room and especially if you're renting.

yours truly,